Nicholas Bashore Defeating the Demon Prince So, if you’re having a difficult time getting through the first few hours of the expansion, here are a few tips we learned while playing to help you out. Make no mistake, The Ringed City features some of the most challenging encounters available in Dark Souls III which will test your resolve in more ways than you can imagine. But that doesn’t mean From Software has gone easy on everyone for the sake of posterity. In a way, The Ringed City is a love letter to the Dark Souls community. The Ringed City hopes to bring the Dark Souls series the satisfying conclusion it deserves as From Software moves on to their next big project. Now, following the release of the game’s first expansion, Ashes of Ariandel, a new addition has arrived. It’s been nearly a year since Dark Souls III was unleashed on the public, captivating players with hundreds of interesting lore implications, some of the most rewarding boss encounters of the whole series, and dozens of wonderful weapons to use against the twisted enemies you encountered.